Career Opportunities FAQ

Career Opportunities FAQ

Do I get paid to attend the academy?
Yes; you will be a "civilian" employee until you obtain oath of office when you graduate. 

Is a college degree required to become a Nebraska State Trooper?
No; a high school diploma or GED equivalence is required.

Where is the Training Academy located?
The academy is located in Grand Island, and co-exists with the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center.

What is the Training Academy atmosphere like?
The academy is 24 weeks and is a para-military lifestyle setting. Officer Candidates are required to stay at the academy Monday through Friday. Officer Candidates are normally dismissed at the end of the business day on Friday and must report back to academy on Sunday evening.

Can I have visible tattoos?
Tattoos covering 30% or less of an exposed portion of a sworn employees arm need not be covered provided they conform to NSP policy. In order to conceal tattoos and other body art, uniformed and non-uniformed sworn employees may wear the prescribed winter uniform shirt year round. Sworn employees may also wear compression arm sleeves, closely matching the color of the uniform being worn, as designated by the command administration to conceal tattoos. Compression arm sleeves for applicable employees will be purchased by the employee. Flesh colored medical tape, no wider than 2 inches or longer than 12 inches, may also be used to conceal tattoos.