Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights
Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights
Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights
Please view this document for a complete description of each right. Included in this document are links and phone numbers to multiple resources.
- You have a right to a forensic medical exam.
- You have three reporting options.
- Your rights in an interview by law enforcement, prosecutors or defense attorneys:
- You have the right to have an advocate present.
- When possible, law enforcement will find an interviewer who is the gender of your choosing and one who speaks your preferred language (or find an interpreter).
- You may also choose to have a private attorney present during these interviews.
- If you are a minor or a person with special needs, you can choose to be interviewed one-on-one at a Child Advocacy Center (CAC).
- At the conclusion of the case, you have the right to see or get a copy of the law enforcement reports about the sexual assault.
- You have the right to have your sexual assault evidence tested in a timely manner.