Executive Protection
Executive Protection
Comprised of sworn and civilian employees the Executive Protection/Capitol Security Division of the Nebraska State Patrol is charged with the safety and security of the Governor, Nebraska Supreme Court, Appeals Court and the Unicameral.
Executive Protection is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent's Office and is responsible for the following duties.

State Capitol Security is the newest part of our Division. On April 16, 2004 the Building Security Division of the Department of Administrative Services was transferred to the State Patrol. State Capitol Security oversees the security needs of the Capitol, Nebraska State Office Building, Governor's Residence, Information Management Service Building, Executive Building, Labor Building, State Patrol Crime Lab, State Health Lab and State owned parking garages and lots (Capitol Complex Area). We have a twenty-four hour communication center at the Capitol that monitors, panic alarms, fire alarms, cameras, access cards, intrusion alarms and building maintenance systems. This is all accomplished through an extensive security system. Security officers also perform mobile and walking patrols of the Capitol Complex Area.

Governor / First-Family / Residence security consists of personal security for the Governor, immediate family and anyone designated by the Governor. These duties are handled by State Troopers assigned to the Executive Protection Detail. Duties designated within this primary function also include assessment and investigation of threats to the primary designee and others. The Detail also oversees security for the Governor's Residence and grounds.

Legislative security for the Senators while the Legislature is in session and for the chambers during their respective sixty or ninety-day sessions. The Detail works closely with the Sergeant at Arms of the Legislature. The Detail is assisted with these duties by Capitol Security Officers, troopers and investigators from the different Troop Areas

The Supreme and Appeal Courts meet in the Judicial Chambers of the State Capitol. It is the responsibility of the Detail to secure the chambers while in the Capitol or when the panels of Justices or Judges travel to conduct court within Nebraska.