Technical Crimes Division - Child Exploitation
Technical Crimes Division - Child Exploitation

The Child Exploitation Unit is the go-to for proactive and reactive child exploitation investigations. The Child Exploitation Unit handles all inbound Cybertips, evaluates, and processes them to ensure the right resources are sent to address the investigation. The Child Exploitation Unit masters the informal team role as we work with all Troop Areas and affiliated agencies to assist them in their areas, or prepare the case so they need limited resources for their investigation. The Child Exploitation Unit also works VICE operations to proactively protect vulnerable citizens and children. The proactive investigations consist of online enticement of children investigations, human trafficking operations, and identifying predators in our communities using the Internet. The Child Exploitation Unit is also responsible for managing the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) federally funded grant.
Contact the NSP Technical Crimes Division Child Exploitation Unit here: or by calling (402) 479-4916.
The Nebraska Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force was established by the Nebraska State Patrol in 2000. Nebraska's ICAC Task Force is one of 61 federally funded regional task forces in the United States Department of Justice ICAC Task Force program, which were developed in response to the increasing number of children using the internet and/or technology, the proliferation of unlawful images, images depicting the sexual exploitation of minors, and the heightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervised contact with underage victims.
Due in large part to the technological aspects of these investigations, the Nebraska ICAC Task Force promotes a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency, team approach to investigating and prosecuting ICAC. The Nebraska ICAC Task Force works closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies across the nation, to combat child exploitation. Today, under the direction of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Nebraska ICAC Task Force is comprised of 61 federal, state, county and local law enforcement agencies and county attorney offices across Nebraska, who work together to combat the growing problem of internet and/or technology related child exploitation. A full list of Nebraska ICAC Task Force affiliates can be found at the bottom of the page.
The Nebraska ICAC Task Force conducts both proactive and reactive child exploitation investigations including investigations involving the sexual assault of children, child pornography, and online enticement of children. These investigations have saved numerous children from further exploitation, and have led to arrests and prosecutions in Nebraska and states across the nation.
In addition to investigating and prosecuting child exploitation facilitated by the internet and/or technology, the Nebraska ICAC Task Force provides training for law enforcement and performs educational presentations and community outreach.
The Nebraska ICAC Task Force has presented Internet safety programs as well as public education and participated in community outreach events that have reached more than 500 groups and 60,000 people including Nebraska's children, parents, educators, government and civic groups.
For public education requests on the topics of Internet child exploitation, or Internet safety, please schedule a program by contacting the Nebraska State Patrol Community Service Officer in your Area.
Notify the Nebraska State Patrol or the CyberTip Line (see link below), if you know a child who has been contacted via the Internet and/or technology by someone soliciting sexual interaction, or if you know of someone who is attempting to entice children using the Internet and/or technology.
- Do not give out personal information such as name, age, address, telephone number, parent/guardian's name, or school name/address.
- Do not respond to mean, offensive, threatening, or unwanted email, text messages, posts, or instant messages.
- Choose a screen name and picture that doesn't identify you as a child.
- Don't share your password with anyone (except a parent/guardian), not even your best friend.
- REMEMBER, people online may or MAY NOT be who they say they are.
- Do not send inappropriate images or videos to anyone over the Internet or using your cell phone. If you do, you can NEVER take it back!
- If anyone says anything or does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or scared tell a trusted adult like a parent, teacher, or coach right away!
The following Law Enforcement Agencies are members of the Nebraska ICAC Task Force.
Air Force Office of Special Investigations | Beatrice Police Department |
Bellevue Police Department | Buffalo County Sheriff's Office |
Cass County Sheriff's Office | Chadron Police Department |
Cheyenne County Attorney's Office | Columbus Police Department |
Custer County Sheriff's Office | Dawson County Sheriff's Office |
Dakota County Attorney's Office | Dodge County Sheriff's Office |
Douglas County Sheriff's Office | Fremont Police Department |
Gage County Attorney's Office | Gosper County Sheriff's Office |
Hall County Attorney's Office | Hall County Sheriff's Department |
Hamilton County Attorney's Office | Hastings Police Department |
Homeland Security Investigations-SAC St. Paul | Howard County Attorney's Office |
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office | Johnson County Attorney's Office |
Kearney Police Department | Kimball Police Department |
Kimball County Sheriff's Office | Lancaster County Attorney's Office |
Lancaster County Sheriff's Office | La Vista Police Department |
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office | Lincoln Police Department |
Merrick County Attorney's Office | Nemaha County Sheriff's Office |
Nebraska Attorney General's Office | Nebraska City Police Department |
Nebraska Department of Corrections | Nebraska State Probation |
Norfolk Police Department | North Platte Police Department |
Omaha Police Department | Otoe County Attorney's Office |
Papillion Police Department | Phelps County Sheriff's Office |
Platte County Attorney's Office | Platte County Sheriff's Office |
Saline County Sheriff's Office | Sarpy County Attorney's Office |
Sarpy County Sheriff's Office | Saunders County Attorney's Office |
Seward County Sheriff's Office | Seward Police Department |
Saunders County Sheriff's Office | Scotts Bluff County Attorney's Office |
Scottsbluff Police Department | Seward County Attorney's Office |
South Sioux City Police Department | US Attorney's Office-District of Nebraska |
US Probation-District of Nebraska | Washington County Sheriff's Office |
York Police Department |
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