Bomb Squad
Bomb Squad

Mission Statement:
The mission of the NSP Bomb Squad is to provide statewide response to assist state and local public safety agencies with explosive related emergencies/incidents. The Bomb Squad provides render safe capabilities of explosives, improvised explosive devices or suspect items to ensure public safety.
Since the inception of the Bomb Squad, there have been 19 Troopers trained and certified as HDTs, also known as Bomb Technicians. Over the years, these HDTs have been stationed in various locations across the state. Currently, HDTs are stationed in the eastern, central and western part of the state to aid with statewide coverage. HDTs are assigned to the Field Services and Investigative Services divisions where HDT duties are ancillary to the Trooper’s primary duties.
The Bomb Squad is a nationally accredited squad through the FBI in accordance with national standards set by the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board. The Bomb Squad is commanded by the Bomb Squad Commander/Hazardous Devices Coordinator and maintains the required mandated equipment essential to explosive related incidents. In addition to the required equipment, HDTs maintain numerous other pieces of specialized equipment to facilitate their mission.
HDTs are selected from the agencies rank and file via a thorough selection process. Eligible officers must have at least five years’ experience; pass practical exercises and selective interview process. Once selected, candidate(s) are then placed in a probationary period until they attend the FBI Hazardous Devices School (HDS) Certification Course. The Certification Course is a six (6) week course. Upon graduation from HDS, the officer is then a nationally certified HDT however will remain on probationary status within the Bomb Squad for approximately six (6) months. HDTs are required to return to HDS for recertification training every three (3) years. The Bomb Squad also conducts monthly “in-service” training among themselves and in cooperation with federal, state and local partners. All HDTs are active members of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI). HDTs also attend numerous explosive related training courses across the country to better prepare themselves for numerous types of incidents and improved public safety.
The responsibilities of the Bomb Squad are to respond statewide to explosive related incidents. These include e but are not limited to commercial explosives, homemade explosives, improvised explosive devices, military ordinance and suspect items. HDTs assist allied agencies with explosive related investigations, primarily dealing with the manufacture of homemade explosives and/or improvised explosive devices.
The NSP Bomb Squad responds to an average of two explosive related calls per week. Each member of the Bomb Squad maintains his/her own set of equipment that is essential to the work of HDTs. Doing so minimizes downtime when responding to calls. The Bomb Squad utilizes specialty vehicles including robotic platforms and a containment vessel when needed.
HDTs also provide training for members of the Nebraska State Patrol, other law enforcement agencies, and civilians in explosive awareness/recognition and bomb threat emergencies.
The NSP Bomb Squad can be contacted at or by contacting the NSP at (402) 471-4545.